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I care about what matters to you.


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I care about what matters to you. Listening is the hallmark of my 7 terms as Mayor of Fairfax, and my candidacy today.

I will always put the people of Fairfax first, protect the health of our environment, and work to keep Fairfax one of the best places to live in California.


My dedication to public service and community engagement drives my commitment to making a positive impact. Learn more about my journey and the values that guide my vision for a better future for Fairfax.

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My Campaign Ballot Statement

I care deeply about the issues that matter to you, which is why I've dedicated my career to protecting and improving Fairfax through thoughtful legislation and tireless advocacy. I authored Fairfax ordinances including: Fairfax's pesticide ban on the commons, height limits, Living Wage Law, preserving ridgetop parcels, the zoning ordinance that allowed the Bennett House; the law prohibiting the conversion of affordable apartments to for sale Condos and Fairfax was sued. The case was appealed, I prevailed, setting California Case Law giving General Law cities the right to protect affordable housing. As Mayor of Fairfax, I was appointed California's first Coastal Commissioner, North Central Coast Region (December 7, 1972), serving until 1981. My Fairfax based North Coast Rivers Alliance is currently a lead plaintiff in Federal Court against former President Donald Trump and his approval of Keystone XL Pipeline. I battled the State on zoning issues, prevailing 4 times and setting new Case Law. When California's Attorney General told Fairfax to revoke our pesticide ban on the commons law, I fought that order with 3 attorneys and prevailed. A San Francisco native and 62 year Fairfax resident, I served as: Chair, Fairfax Parks & Recreation Commission; 7 term Mayor of Fairfax; President, Ross Valley Sanitary District; Founding Director, Ross Valley Paramedic Authority; Co-Founder Friends of the Eel River; President, North Coast Rivers Alliance; Treasurer, Pesticide Free Zone; Co-Chair, Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter Water Committee; San Francisco Bay Area Coordinator for Stop the Spray. Contact: 415.456.6356, email


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Lifetime of Leadership

Fairfax Town Government​

  • 7-term Mayor of Fairfax

  • Chair, Fairfax Park & Recreation Commission

Regional and State Appointments

  • Member, Democratic Central Committee of Marin

  • California's 1st Coastal Commissioner, North Central Coast 

  • Director, Transportation Authority of Marin

  • Trustee, Marin-Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District

  • Fairfax Representative, Marin Telecommunications Agency

Environmental and Conservation Leadership

  • President, North Coast Rivers Alliance

  • Co-Founder, Friends of the Eel River

  • Treasurer, Pesticide Free Zone

  • Co-Chair, Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter Water Committee

  • Member, Marin-Sonoma Coastal Advocates

  • Member, Golden Gate National Recreation Area Board of Control

Public Health and Safety

  • Founding Director, Ross Valley Paramedic Authority

  • President, Ross Valley Sanitary District

  • GMO Free Marin Sponsor

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Environmental Champion

Local, statewide, and national leadership for conservation of land & waters and fighting pesticide spraying

Please volunteer!

Make a donation

Help Frank continue his legacy of service to Fairfax. With 7 terms as Mayor and over 60 years of community advocacy, Frank has consistently delivered results - from protecting affordable housing to environmental conservation. Your contribution supports experienced, proven leadership focused on:
- Finding smart alternatives to housing towers
- Ending urban camping at Peri Park
- Exploring Charter Town status
- Returning Fairfax to fiscal responsibility
- Fixing streets and sidewalks with current funds
- Advancing environmental protections, including preserving open spaces and fighting pesticide spraying
- Working with all residents and council-members for equitable solutions
Every donation helps keep Fairfax's character while addressing our current challenges.


One time







Comment (optional)

Frank Egger

-For Fairfax Council-

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© 2024 by Frank Egger for Fairfax Council,

Volunteer designed

13 Meadow Way
Fairfax, CA 94930


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